Main colors
A semiotic palette
Main color
Its darker version
It's generally used for
- Branding
- CTAs
Secondary color
Its darker version
It's generally used for
- Contrasts
- Backgrounds
Third color
Its darker version
It's generally used for
- Users
- Actions
Fourth color
Its darker version
It's generally used for
- Backgrounds
- Effects
Links & Buttons
Its darker version
False black
Dark Grey
Light grey
False white
Semaphore colors
They're generally used for
- Info / Good / Mmmh / Wrong / Bad things
A couple of interesting things...
Used for
- GDPR/Cookies stuff
Acid Green
Always useful...
Stars background
Used in .stars-bg class
Used for
- Beautiful CSS-animated backgrounds
And gradients
...Wonderful gradients
main gradient
first-to-third gradient
third gradient
fourth gradient
Default colors have been chosen for multiple reasons; the first one is that by mixing them you can make many beautiful and effective websites, different from each others.
Technically speaking
To implement colors in your web page, the easyest way is to use CSS classes.
Each color has a color code, you can check them in the following list
- Main color color
- Main darker color dark-color
- Secondary color second-color
- Secondary darker color second-color-dark
- Third color third-color
- Third color darker third-color-dark
- Fourth color fourth-color
- Fourth color darker fourth-color-dark
- Black bk
- False black fb
- Grey gr
- False white fw
- White wh
- Acid green acid-green-
- Gingerbread gingerbread
- Success success
- Warning warning
- Danger danger
You can match the color codes to other classes to define elements styling.
You can find the code patterns in the following list
- Text color: .color -text Sample text
- Boxed text: .colTwo -box Sample text
- Background: .danger -bg
- Border color: .border fourth-color
As mentioned before, by editing the this.scss file you can eneble the :root variables to change colors and many many more things.
:root {
--mainColor: purple;
<p class="color-text">Sample text</p>
Will now render:
Sample text